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Marketing & Communications Manager (m/w/d) in Reitsport Startup

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Marketing & Communications Manager (m/w/d) in Reitsport Startup

In only 2 minutes.
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Immediately searched (unlimited)
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40 h per week
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45.000 € per year (negotiable)
Partially home office possible

Wir sind ein junges Startup Unternehmen, welches im Reitsport tätig ist. Bei uns dreht sich alles um die Hufe der Pferde. Wir haben es uns auf die Fahne geschrieben, das über 2000 Jahre alte Hufeisen durch neue Innovationen zu ersetzen. Dabei werden unsere Produkte inzwischen bis in den Spitzensport in 8 Ländern eingesetzt.

Responsibilities Icon

Was erwartet dich?

  • Du bist verantwortlich für all unsere digitalen Kommunikationskanäle
  • Du betreust und entwickelst unsere Unternehmenswebsite kontinuierlich weiter – inhaltlich und funktional
  • Du entwickelst die gesamte Marketingstrategie, erstellst einfallsreiche Formate wie z.B. Erfahrungsberichte und sorgst für relevanten Content und eine positive Markenwahrnehmung
  • Du bist verantwortlich für die Ausspielung auf unseren Owned & Earned Media Kanälen (SoMe, SEO, Website) und arbeitest eng mit unserer Agentur für die Paid Media Kanäle zusammen
  • Du wertest regelmäßig die Maßnahmen auf den digitalen Kanälen und im Content-Bereich aus und ziehst die richtigen Schlüsse aus den Zahlen
  • Du baust dir ein Netzwerk aus Agenturen und Freelancer:innen auf, das dir bei der Umsetzung deiner Ziele hilft und eigenständig managst
  • Du unterstützt das restliche Team bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Kampagnenideen oder kreativen Maßnahmen aller Art


Online Marketing
Social Media
Brand Management
Event Marketing
Advantages Icon

Was bieten wir dir?

  • Persönliche & eigenverantwortliche Entwicklung
  • Volle Verantwortung in deinen Bereichen
  • Flache Hierarchien in einem engagierten Team
  • Faire Entlohnung
  • Arbeit eng am Thema Pferd und Tierwohl
User Icon

Was solltest du mitbringen?

  • Du hast eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung oder ein Studium im Bereich Marketing, BWL oder Medien
  • Du hast idealerweise Berufserfahrung im Reitsportbereich
  • Du bist ein kreativer Kopf und ein Teamplayer
  • Du sprichst fließend Deutsch (C2+) und bist wortgewandt in Englisch (B2+)
  • Du hast Mut, neue Formate und Wege zu entwickeln, um die Marke Goodsmith voranzubringen
  • Du arbeitest eigenständig

With work experience



Skill set

Online Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Adobe Creative Cloud
Microsoft Office
Google AdWords
Company Icon

About Goodsmith GmbH

FREE THE HOOF! Wir sind überzeugt: Der natürliche Hufmechanismus sollte so frei wie möglich arbeiten können. Deshalb unterstützen wir mit unseren Produkten die Pferde, die genetisch bedingt oder wegen sportlichem Einsatz nicht barhuf laufen können.

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1-24 employees
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Trade & Commerce
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Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Who or what is Workwise?

Workwise is more than just a job board. We do the recruiting for various companies and support you in the entire application process. Apply for different jobs quickly and easily with your Workwise profile.

Is the job I see still available?

For jobs that are still open, you can click the 'Apply now' button. If this is not possible, the job has already been filled or temporarily deactivated.

Which documents do I need for my application?

For your application you need the following documents:

  • CV
  • Cover Letter

Where can I upload my records or documents?

You will be asked for the requested application documents in the application process and you can easily add them to your application there. If you want to add more documents to your applications, you can upload them to your Workwise profile. They will then automatically be available to the companies to which you have applied.

Where can I find more information about the company?

You can find more information in the company profile of Goodsmith GmbH.

Can I process my application afterwards?

Yes, this is possible. In your application overview you can view your information and make changes. If you have already been invited to an interview, editing is no longer possible. However, you can still add general information and upload additional documents in your profile.

How do I get news about my application?

In your application overview you have an overview of the application progress at any time. Additionally, we send you emails about the most important status changes.

Can I send several applications at once?

The number of your applications is not limited. An overview of your applications can be found here.

Can other companies see where else I have applied?

No, companies can only see the applications they have received.

Can I also contact the company's contact person directly?

Personal contact is possible via chat as soon as you have been invited for an interview. Before that, you will receive all important status changes by e-mail. If you have any questions, you can contact your personal Candidate Manager:in from Workwise.

I don't think I meet all the requirements. Can I still apply?

Even if you don't meet all the requirements, you can make up for missing knowledge with additional skills. Use the application's questions to address your motivation and show the company why you are still a good fit for the job. If you don't meet many or all of the requirements, the application will not be successful.

What do I have to consider if I am not from Germany?

Please make sure to provide all necessary documents within your Workwise profile. It should include an EU work-permit (if you have no EU citizenship) and a CV at least. Depending on the position you are applying to, you could also be asked for a certificate of enrollment, a transcript of records or a language certificate. We would also recommend to inform yourself thoroughly in advance about visa regulations. Therefore you can use the official visa navigator from the Federal Foreign Office.

What do I have to consider if German is not my mother tongue?

Please take into account the job’s language requirements and make sure the requirements match your skills. In the job search you can use the language filter to find jobs without German language requirements. It is also helpful to provide language certificates. This section in our help center may support you during the application process.

Our job offer Marketing & Communications Manager (m/w/d) in Reitsport Startup sounds promising? We're looking forward to your application.

Without cover letter. In only 2 minutes.

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